Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kyler's endowments

Kyler did his endowments on Saturday at the Vernal Temple. I'm so glad we were able to go and support him. I also had the opportunity to go do a session with him again tonight. I love going to the temple, and I love the peace that I feel there. I was sitting there tonight wondering why we put off going as much as we can. Why is it so hard to get there? Why don't I take advantage of having a temple literally 2 blocks from my house? The feeling I get when I'm there, just makes all my worldly problems seem so small. It puts things into perspective for me and refreshes my mind and spirit. It really makes me feel like I can take on anything. It gives me that pick-me-up that I need and I know everything will be all right. I love it, and it was just what I needed today. We are so proud of Kyler and happy for him. We know he's making the right decisions in his life and that he's doing what the Lord wants him to do. Congrats again Ky, we love you!


Kandice said...

I still can't believe he is that old. I remember the first day he passed the sacrament as a deacon...Does that mean we are getting old?

Rodarte Family said...

When is Kylers farewell??

Nick Scott Family said...

Seriously why is it so hard to get to the temple when it's just in our back yard. When I was on my mission, we had to travel a few hours to get to the temple and now I have one literally 10 minutes from my house and I can't seem to get there...but when I am there....my cares seem so small and so manageable! Thanks for the reminder that I need to get there again!!!

ME & HE said...

I haven't been on line forever so it was fun to catch up on yours. We still need to go to lunch! I'll have my people call your people.

Slaugh Family said...

Wow I can't believe I have known Kyler for so long and it just seems crazy that he is old enough to go on a mission, but it is awesome. So how was NYC I am so ready to hear all of the fun stuff, I wish I would've remembered to tell you you should go to the NYC temple and do a session and we missed you lots at BUNCO.