Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bitter Sweet :(

Well, Kyler is officially a missionary! He was set apart last night at 9:30. Ben and I were there along with MiKell, Lee, Kaden, mom and dad and Grandma Monsen. All three members of our Bishopric came, which was nice, and also all three members of the stake presidency. President Caldwell gave him a really amazing blessing. The spirit was so strong! Before we all left my dad gave him a father's blessing and it was also really spiritual. I'm glad I was able to be there!This morning we headed out to Provo to take him to the MTC. He had to report there at 12:30, so we went out early enough to eat lunch together and then take him over. Monica, Dewey and Ellie met us there. It was the saddest thing ever, I'm glad he's my only brother and I wouldn't be sad if I never had to go back to the MTC. I had heard horror stories, but you can't really prepare for that. When the mission president was talking about saying your good-byes he gave a little speech about the "band-aid effect." The quicker you say good-bye the easier it is and the less it hurts. We were quick but it was still really hard! I have literally cried all day. I'll be fine for a little while and then I'll think about it again and start tearing up. I know that he will make a great missionary and I'm so excited for him, but we are going to miss him so much! I can't wait to hear about all of his adventures in Canada, and as much as it doesn't sound like it now, I really am so happy for him!

One thing that did lift my spirits though was this.....

Yep, that's right, Jazz season has officially started! I know, I am such a huge Jazz nerd, but I love them! Kyler has also given me strict instructions to keep him completely updated. We always watched the games together and Ben thought we were big nuts, but I would have to say that he's turned into quite the fan himself! I'm so excited for the new season, I think they're gonna be awesome this year. Beating the Nuggets was a great start to a long season! 1 down, 81 to go... :)

P.S. I promise I'll back track and post pictures of our New York trip soon! (Sorry Annie)! I feel like I've just been so behind on everything lately, but I haven't forgotten!


Nick Scott Family said...

What is Kyler's address so we can send him a package? I can't believe he's gone. I hated the MTC departure from the family ... it's just as bad for the missionary as it is for the family.

ME & HE said...

I can't wait to see your pictures from New York! How fun! I also wish your brother the best on his mission. HOpe your parents handle it alright! We should get together and go out to a Jazz game! That would be so much fun! We love the Jazz and love even more to go to the games.

Shalisa Hazleton said...

so sad when missionaries leave but it goes by fast. You wait and see.

Rodarte Family said...

I remember sending my brother off; the MTC is super-rough! Kyler is going to be a great missionary. We wish him the best!

Kandice said...

I remember crying and crying when my brother Kris left. Just think of the blessings it will bring into your family! He will do awesome.

Slaugh Family said...

Wow it was weird being at church today and Kyler not being up there blessing the Sacrament and so I thought of you all, your so blessed and Kyler is going to be great and it will go by so fast that it will be hard to believe and remember we are all here for ya, we love ya Marcie.

George and Karyn said...

Kyler is going to be such a great missionary. I am so proud of him.

Danielle Hacking said...

He'll be a great missionary! I'm sure its so hard, but the time will fly!

The Carter Fam said...

Isn't the MTC the saddest thing ever? Glad you made it through the torture. Happy Anniversary! I love your blog!