Wednesday, July 13, 2011

February 2011

Everytime the fridge is open, Brooklyn runs to it. She likes to climb clear up into it, its so cute!
She wasn't too happy with me when I tried to put her down for a nap. She's never been a very good napper. 20-30 minutes is about all we get, and sometimes its only once a day.
She loves to play under the kitchen table and climb around the chairs.
In February, we also had our first ER visit. I was getting ready to head to Bunco, and was planning on taking Brooklyn to Smuin's for them to watch her. I was running around like crazy, trying to get things put together and get her diaper bag packed, and she was sitting in her Bumbo seat on the kitchen counter. I ran from the kitchen to the living room, for 2 seconds, just to grab a couple diapers. That's when I heard a big thump, and my heart sunk. She had crawled out of her Bumbo and fell onto the tile floor. She cried and cried, I've never heard her cry so long and hard. I was scared to death. Ben was working so I took her down to the hospital and they did a CT scan on her head. Everything was okay, luckily she didn't have any fractures or anything, probably just a major headache. I felt so bad and guilty. I had been trying so hard to be careful and not leave her in it except when I was right next to her, and the one time I do, she falls out of it. I'm just so thankful that she was okay. Needless to say, we don't have the Bumbo on the counter anymore!


Annie said...

Marc, that is such a sad story! I'm always so afraid of stuff like that happening. Good thing Brooklyn is such a tough little girl!

George and Karyn said...

Brooklyn is getting so big. We really need to get together for lunch one of these days.